The 8th Global Conference on the Russian-language agile development (Agile, Lean, Lean Startup)
2full day
One of the founders of the company AlternativaPlatform, develops epic startup, bringing tens of millions of rubles a month. Anton was voted best speaker at AgileDays'13, and is pleased to join us again!
David J. Anderson - founder and one of the main ideologists of managing the development of the methodology of Kanban. He leads consulting, training and publishing business that deal with evolutionary approach to knowledge management.
Dr. Ahmed Sidky, also known as Doctor Agile, is the Executive Director and co-founder of the International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile) in addition to being a well-known author, educator & consultant on organization agility for Fortune 100 companies.
Naresh Jain is an internationally recognized Technology & Process Expert. Over the last decade, he has helped to deliver mission critical enterprise applications at many Fortune 500 companies
Call for Paper Launched! Please, send your abstract to
Anton Volkov, AlternativaPlatform
Askhat Urazbaev, ScrumTrek
Nikita Filippov, ScrumTrek
Alex Voronin, NVision Software Solutions
Boris Wolfson, HeadHunter
David J. Anderson
Ahmed Sidky
Anna Obukhova, Luxoft
Sergey Dmitriev, Unusual Concepts
Ilya Paulichenka, Unusual-Concepts
Nikita Syskov, EPAM Systems
Alexander Gornik, Mindbox
Andrey Ryzhkin, AGIMA
Maxim Dorofeev,
Alexei Pimenov, FINAM
Alexey Krivitsky, CRUMguides
Alexei Pikulev, Unusual Concepts
Ilya Kuznetsov, Kaspersky Lab
Alexander Postnikov, AT Consulting
Sergei Atroshchenkov, VIAcode
Daniel Musienko, Ascon
Sergey Kotlov, Happy Melly
Igor Kleiner, Huawei
Vyacheslav Moskalenko, Luxoft
Ivanna Melnik, Lohika
Tatiana Zinchenko, Inter Technology Group, LLC
Yuri Kupriyanov, WikiVote!
Vladimir Livshits, Luxoft
Maxim Tsepkov, The independent expert
Sergei Prokhorenko, Luxoft
Igor Desjatnikov, IFI Soft
Aleksey Ilichev, ScrumTrek
Michael Rizhikov, WaveAccess / Choice-HS
Alek Kozlov,
Alexey Gorbunov, SQ-Team
Alexey Koretsky, Bell Integrator
Andrey Kushnariov, AK-IT Consulting
Trenina Natalia, SCRUMguides
Timothy Evgrashin, The Improved Methods
Dmitry Snisar, IT-Boost
Alexander Martyushev, ScrumTrek
Dmitry Lobasev, ScrumTrek
Nikita Filippov, ScrumTrek
Artemy Malkov
Eugene Tkachenko, Innova
Pavel Gordeychuk, UNITEST
Aleksey Layevskiy, Dell
Vitaliy Korol, Crystal Service
Yuri Kupriyanov, WikiVote!
Sergei Rogachev, InfoTeKS
Eugene Kuryshev, Ostrovok
Alexey Filimonov, Skolkovo Startup Academy
Damir Tenishev, Return on Intelligence (ex. Exigen Services)
Anton Katkov, Flexis
Konstantin Kryvtsov, AT Consulting
Eugene Efanov, AGIMA
Dmitry Borovsky, Taucraft
Dmitry Ustyuzhanin, DW Consulting
Maxim Smirnov, JSC "VympelKom"
Anton Zotin, Luxoft
Andrey Yaroshevskiy, Yandex
Naresh Jain, Agile Software community of India
Vasily Cheptsov, IA
Eugene Tkachenko, Innova
Vadim Nareyko, Itransition
Natalya Rukol, Quality Lab
Alexei Troshin, B2B-Center
Andrey Stepenko, Sintez-pro
Alexei Pikulev, Unusual Concepts
Dmitry Goryachev, QA Platform
Andrey Bayda, The BTO Group
Alexei Marisa, RapidSoft Development
Sergey Sorokin, Taxcom
Alexei Koshkidko, Inostudio Solutions
Ivanna Melnik, Lohika
Vitaliy Korol, Crystal Service
Tatiana Zinchenko, Inter Technology Group, LLC
Yuri Kupriyanov, WikiVote!
Vadim Glebov, IT Attractor
Artem Marchenko, Thinglink Oy
Holger Hiltscher, Suzuki Motor Rus
Oksana Schirba, ADV/web-engineering
Eugene Savitsky, Devprom
Artem Glotov, JSC Alfa-Bank
Dmitry Yudki, Deutsche Bank
Rina Uzhevko, Korolevstvo
Anton Bevzyuk, Intel
Alexei Voronin, NVision Software Solutions
Andrey Rebrov, Korolevstvo
Alexander Soloviev
Nikolay Alimenkov, XP Injection/ZoralLabs
Kirill Mokevnin,
Ignat Krukovskiy, QA Platform
Vyacheslav Lukyanenko
Anton Kirillov
Tatiana Zinchenko, Inter Technology Group, LLC
Vagif Abilov, Miles
Anton Bevzyuk, Smart Step Group
Anton Katkov, Flexis
Alexander Andronov, Smart Step Group
Aleksandr Byndyu, ByndyuSoft
Aleksandr Titov, Express 42
Ryzhikov Nikolay, Waveaccess/choice-hospital-systems
Ilya Kurylev
Maxim Korobtsev, GameTrek
Ilya Paulichenka, Unusual-Concepts
Call for Paper Launched! Please, send your abstract to
Call for Paper Launched! Please, send your abstract to